Providing Quality Care
is Hard Enough...

Let us handle the rest 😌

While you’re busy transforming lives with your exceptional psychiatric services, we’ll take care of your growth. From raising brand awareness to managing patient leads and ensuring your online reputation sparkles – consider it done. With Psycle, you can focus on what you do best: Providing Quality Care

Our Focus:

*Upon Confirmation of FDA-Approvals and Legalization

If your clinic provides any of the following...

you're in the right place!

Step 1:


In today’s digital age, effective brand recognition requires a strategic online presence, a need that Psycle appreciates deeply. Our first step in our comprehensive business development solution is generating awareness about your clinic. We leverage key advertising channels, including Google, Meta, and TikTok, extending your clinic’s reach and capturing the attention of potential patients across these popular platforms. Furthermore, we utilize search engine optimization strategies, creating engaging blog content designed to resonate with those seeking mental health assistance. This multi-pronged approach ensures your brand’s visibility is optimized, positioning your clinic at the top of search results and the forefront of social media channels, thereby bridging the gap between potential patients and quality mental health solutions.

Also Known As:

Paid Advertising

Psycle maximizes your online visibility through strategic paid advertising on platforms like Google, Meta, and TikTok. Our unique UGC strategy sets our clients apart.

Organic Search

With a deep understanding of SEO practices, Psycle develops engaging blog content and website optimization techniques to improve your ranking in organic search results.

Referral Development

Relationships matter when it comes to mental healthcare. Psycle harnesses the power of LinkedIn & email to deploy effective referral development strategies.

Step 2:

Psycle CRM

As we transition from generating awareness to coordinating care, Psycle introduces you to our innovative CRM platform. Our CRM is a unified solution designed to consolidate all your leads, conversations, calls, and revenue, providing a streamlined and intuitive view of your entire marketing and patient onboarding process. It features sophisticated lead source reporting capabilities, providing invaluable insights into where your patients are coming from. This not only simplifies your workflow but also allows you to make data-driven decisions for your clinic’s growth strategy. With the Psycle CRM, every interaction is tracked, every lead is valued, and every strategic decision is well-informed.

Also Known As:

Consultation & Quiz Funnels

Through our advanced Psycle CRM, we implement consultation and quiz funnels that enable seamless interaction with potential patients, personalizing their journey and increasing their likelihood of conversion.

Text + Email Automations

The Psycle CRM integrates sophisticated text and email automation tools. These automated communication workflows ensure consistent, personalized, and timely interactions with your leads, enhancing their engagement and moving them closer to becoming patients.

Revenue & Lead Source Reporting

Our CRM’s robust revenue and lead source reporting features provide you with deep insights into your clinic’s performance. This data-driven approach allows you to track your growth, identify successful strategies, and make informed decisions that can steer your clinic toward increased profitability.

Step 3:

Care Coordination

Our strategy does not stop at generating awareness. Psycle assists in the vital step of care coordination, ensuring the smooth transition of potential patients to actual ones. We build and optimize digital systems that seamlessly manage appointments, referral networks, and patient onboarding processes. By streamlining these facets, we allow you to focus on what you do best: providing quality care for your patients.

Also Known As:


Our care coordination strategy incorporates phone communication, prompting an immediate, personal interaction channel that keeps potential patients engaged and informed throughout their journey to your clinic.


Email serves as a crucial part of our care coordination, offering a flexible and convenient means for potential patients to receive important information, have their queries answered, and maintain a seamless line of communication with your clinic.


We harness the speed and convenience of text communication. This provides an instant, efficient connection with your potential patients, keeping them engaged and assisted throughout their journey, ultimately facilitating the patient conversion process.

Step 4:

Treatment-Specific Pipelines & Billing

At Psycle, we reject a one-size-fits-all strategy, recognizing that our clients are not a facsimile of every other next-gen psychiatry clinic. Instead, we create customized pipelines specific to your clinic’s treatment specialties. This approach allows us to connect with prospective patients who are actively seeking the particular treatments you offer. We utilize data-driven tactics and patient preference analysis to craft personalized patient journeys, ultimately driving conversion rates. With treatment-specific pipelines & billing, we aim to match the right patient with the right care – your care.

Also Known As:


At Psycle, we develop specialized pipelines for treatments like Spravato, effectively reaching patients who are actively seeking this novel depression treatment, and guiding them seamlessly towards your clinic’s services.


Our TMS-specific pipelines are meticulously designed to connect with individuals exploring TMS as a treatment option. We lead these potential patients to your services, bridging the gap between their search and your specialized care.


Understanding the growing interest in ketamine treatments, we create focused pipelines that cater to prospective patients looking for this specific intervention. Our strategies ensure these individuals find their way to your clinic, enhancing your patient base.


Recognizing the broad scope of psychiatry, we develop comprehensive pipelines that cater to the varied needs of potential patients seeking psychiatric help. We guide these individuals towards the expert psychiatric care your clinic provides.


Whether it’s cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, or another therapy approach, Psycle creates bespoke pipelines for potential patients seeking therapy services. We ensure these individuals find the professional help your clinic offers, thereby expanding your patient community.

Step 5:

Schedule Evaluations

This is where Psycle hands the baton off to you, our client. We understand that the true measure of our success lies in the number of qualified evaluations we can secure for your clinic. We strive to streamline this process, utilizing our strategically curated pipelines and comprehensive CRM system to connect you with potential patients ready for their first evaluation. Our objective remains clear: to deliver as many qualified prospective patients as possible to your clinic’s doorstep, ready for you to do what you do best – providing the expert care that transforms lives.

Also Known As:

Online Evaluations

Psycle makes scheduling online evaluations a breeze. We create smooth and easy-to-navigate booking systems that allow potential patients to schedule their online evaluations at their convenience, expediting their journey to your expert care.

In-Person Evals

For those who prefer face-to-face interaction, we facilitate seamless scheduling of in-person evaluations. Our efficient scheduling system ensures your clinic’s calendar is well-managed and potential patients can easily book their in-person consultations, bringing them one step closer to the care they need.

Step 6:

Prospect to Patient Conversion

We use data-driven strategies and powerful analytics to understand patient behavior and preferences. By integrating these insights into personalized patient journeys, we make the decision process easier for potential patients, driving up conversion rates and filling your practice’s schedule. Our goal is to turn your clinic’s website into your most productive new patient acquisition tool.

Also Known As:

Step 7:

Reputation Management

We recognize that the journey doesn’t end once a prospect becomes a patient. We believe in nurturing relationships for sustainable growth. By implementing automated review collection processes and utilizing retention marketing techniques, we facilitate a strong online reputation and foster lasting bonds between you and your patients. Your patients’ satisfaction becomes a catalyst for new patient acquisition, thus creating a virtuous cycle of growth.

Also Known As:

Google Reviews

When making decisions, think from the perspective of the client. It’s easy to make decisions that make our lives simpler, but not the clients.

Facebook Reviews

When making decisions, think from the perspective of the client. It’s easy to make decisions that make our lives simpler, but not the clients.

Yelp Reviews

As a SoloPro, always go after the hardest problems for clients. Pursue things at the highest quality. Move at the fastest pace.

Providing quality care is hard enough…

Let us handle the rest!

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